2012. január 28., szombat

Strify was reached 19 thousand Like on Facebook!

Strify have 19 thousan Like on Facebook!
WOW!It's wonderful!
He was posted on Facebook:

In less than two months we reached 19,000 likes and it is just incredible!!!!I feel honored and utterly thankful for every single like-it makes me so happy<3


Strify tegnap elérte a 19 ezer lájkolót! Gratulálunk neki!
Egy bejegyzésben köszönte meg nekünk rajongóknak Facebook-on:

Az elmúlt 2 hónapban elértük a 19 ezer lájkolót és ez annyira hihetetlen!Nagyon szerencsésnek érzem magam és minden egyes lájk nagyon boldoggá tesz engem!


Új képek/New pictures

2012. január 25., szerda


"...Attention, dear fans! Our support plans to prepare interview with Jack Strify, so we'll be glad to hear the questions that you would like to ask Jack about winter, New Year, Christmas & other holidays . Leave your questions in the comments to this status, or to submit to the wall of this page. We will give all the questions to Jack, and you can read the answers in the interview. We waiting for original and interesting questions....." by: Off.Russian Jack Strify Support



Kedves rajongók!

Az Off.Russian Jack Strify Support interjút készít Strify-val.Lehetőséged van kérdéseket feltenni kommentben vagy az üzenőfalukon.Ha szerencséd van a te kérdésed teszik fel!

A kérdésed itt tudod feltenni.

Sok sikert!


Napi Kép/Daily Photo


2012. január 24., kedd

Yu levele röviden összefoglalva magyarul.

Közkívánatra összegzem Yu levelét magyarul.Nem fordítom le szó szerint bocsi.
Tulajdonképpen nem nevezi nevén Romeót,de tudhatjuk hogy ő róla van szó.
Hiszen ő váltotta fel Luminort a Cinema Bizarre-ban.
Yu leírta a levélbe,hogy neki,mármint Romeónak köszönhetjük a CB felbomlását.
Meg hogy csalódott benne, és hogy azt hitte igaz barát.Megbánta,hogy vele barátkozott mert sok mindent vesztett vele.Már nem állnak semmiféle kapcsolatban egymással.
Nagy vonalakban ennyi.
Meg mintha olyat is írna,hogy soha ne mond hogy soha(Talán a Cinema Bizarre újra felállására gondolva)


Napi Kép/Daily Photo


Fiatal Strify/Young Strify


Új képek/new Pictures


2012. január 22., vasárnap

Romeo destroyed Cinema Bizarre!

I just read Yu's letter.!:

..."Some years ago, a little guy started a band with his friends and the message to stay true to yourself, Cinema Bizarre.

Together we grew as a band in good and bad times that i most cherish and that made me who i am in today and i know it was rarely easy with me.

With this blog i wanna unravel something what has been kept hidden before in respect.

Our band started with random circumstances, but it was other various reasons that in the end made us to announce this pause which turned moreso into a break up.

Certainly i can say, one of the reasons things started to crumble down was me being naive and blind.

We found ourself in a situation where we have been forced to find a new member for the band.

Someone that claimed himself a friend and leeched off my life got into this position due to myself being naive and trustful. Today i can say, this person was one of the major reasons that caused the end.

After several chances that i gave again, this person did not just leech out myself and friends and leaving financial damage, but also destroyed music projects and relationships just like poison!

Ive been stolen some of the things i cherished most by this person who claimed himself a friend.

I was blind and this is my regret...."



Strify's Crew is today 2 years old!

Oh,guys,today we are 2 years old!2010.01.22 began this blog!
It's very fantastic!
Happy Birthday for this blog!
Stay Bizarre!Thank you.



Today we reached the 10 THOUSAND VISITORS!(I can't Belive it!)
Thank you for you,who always visit and follow us!
Please visit us in the future too!
Thank you!


New Picture on his Tumblr


Fashion Rock Night 2012


2012. január 21., szombat

Two years...

Never forget Cinema Bizarre!


New Post From Strify on TUMBLR

Today, a sad day for us. On this day, broken Cinema Bizarre. We remember it
we are sad you too?
